Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Off to a good start!

My first Tuesdays With Dorie post and I'm writing it on a Wednesday. Shame on me,

I started with much greater aspirations, in fact, I baked this recipe a whole week and a half early because I was so excited. I'm full of creativity in the kitchen, but writing, oh that's a different story. Anyway, one day late isn't so bad- I did much worse with assignments in college.

Before I dig into the adventures in Rugelach baking, I should explain how I got started on this exciting new adventure. It all started one sunny summer afternoon, when I pawned off a bag full of fresh garden tomatoes to my new neighbor, Patty. It turns out, the day I passed the bag of tomatoes over the fence happened to be the same day that Patty as ready to cook her Fridays with Dorie recipe that happened to require a bunch of tomatoes. We got to talking about this neat blogging community she belongs to, and how much fun Patty and her mother have, cooking and blogging through Dorie's books. I was intrigued, and to say I didn't go right inside and google 'Tricia and nanna Fridays with Dorie " would be the lie of all lies. I checked it out, and a few other blogs. I planned on grabbing myself the book to give it a try. But alas, like most great plans I put together in my little pea brain, it vanished within days.

That is, until I got a knock on the door a few weeks ago, Patty and her family had moved out of the house next door but stopped by with a gift, Dorie's newest book! I was quick to make myself a blog page, and run to the store for ingredients, and I baked those suckers within hours of getting the book. 
So here I sit, a week and a half later, with wine in hand, and Rugelach gone days ago (they were a hit!) 

Let's get to the good stuff, the pictures!

I'm no baker, so when I saw that the first recipe I'd be making had no pictures as reference I took it as a challenge. I refused to give in to the temptation of googling some pictures. I wanted to see how well I could follow directions (turns out, not so well, but they still came out just fine!)

Ah,my favorite part of cooking- putting all the ingredients out and taking pictures of them. In the past they just sat on my phone- now they have a home!
This dough was so easy, and it turned out so flakey! It almost made it look like I knew what I was doing!

I got inspired by the filling and made myself a fancy chocolate cherry pecan coffe. Let's talk about how cute my mug is...
This first batch I somehow misread the directions and ended up using half the amount of dough I was supposed to, resulting in really thin dough and a slightly burnt first batch, that just gave me and excuse to eat those first.
Final product! So cute! I think I cut them a little short, but that just made them that much easier to pop into my mouth in one bite.
Because of my miscalculation I ended up with extra dough, but not enough filling. So I made these little  punks. I filled them with raspberry jam and chopped pecans, I REALLY liked these!

So that's it! I've already made a plan to sucker my mom and aunt into helping me with the Buche de Noel recipe, that one looks like a doozy!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

And so it begins

The day I've been waiting for is finally here! I've always wanted an excuse to try out blogging, and thanks to my incredibly thoughtful neighbor, Patty- I finally have one! Bear with me as I figure this whole concept out, my intentions are to bake my way through my newest, and favorite housewarming gift, Baking Chez Moi by Dorie Greenspan, as well as chronicle my newest adventure of cheese making with my mother, with some obligatory dog posts sprinkled in for good measure.

Ok, let's be honest, it will mostly be pictures of my dogs- I kind of have a problem.